Seea - Seeababes 2024-10-09T17:46:37-07:00 Seea 2023-10-24T15:38:26-07:00 2024-03-12T12:40:07-07:00 How to Pack Your Surfboard Bag conciliacionconstrupaz No one wants to start their spring break on a low note, and there is nothing worse than arriving at your destination just to find that baggage claim dinged and damaged your surfboard. Fear not and let go of your pre-flight anxiety because the Seea warehouse girls have you and your surfboard covered this spring break surf trip! Also, check out our Surf Trip Essentials collection to find everything you'll need for your spring break surf trip!

Surf girl pink one piece swimsuit How to pack you surf board bag{Rosie Jaffurs shredding on her last surf trip in the Tofino in Nia. Photo by Lost Not Found Mag}

Before we get started, here are a few things to remember:

Pack your board bag tightly. This prevents your board from moving around and getting damaged.

Check “length maximums” for baggage on your flight or train. If you’re taking a longboard make sure that the airline will accept your board. Nothing is worse than showing up at the airport and not being able to check your bag.

Pack light. This will hopefully stop the people at the airport from having to throw your bag as aggressively. You can also leave a little note on the outside of your board bag saying ‘Fragile, Please be careful! Thank you :).'

Bring Roof Straps. You will need two roof straps to attach your board to the roof of a car or taxi. 


Pack Essentials. Check out our Surf Trip Essentials collection for everything you'll need for your spring break surf trip! 

Now that we have that covered, watch the short video below and follow along with step-by-step instructions to find out how to pack your surfboard! Don’t be afraid to ask for some help. Packing your surfboard is easier with some extra hands! 

What you will need Get Packing!
  1. Gather all your equipment! Swimsuits, surf suits, rashguard, changing towels, surfboard, leash, fin, other clothing, etc. Here Rosie Jaffurs wears the Gaviotas in Pebble shot by Mike Ito. The Gaviotas is your perfect two-in-one rash guard and swimsuit! Check out all our Surf Trip Essentials here!Gaviotas Surf Suit Surf Trip Essentials swimsuit black and white long sleeve
  2. Remove the fin, and use the wax comb to remove any wax. 
  3. Use the box cutter to cut a slit down the long end of the pool noodles. Do not cut all the way through, just until you hit the center hole. 
  4. Wrap the pool noodle around all the rails of your surfboard starting with the nose and tail of your board, and then cut the remaining noodles to fit the side length. Quick tip: save your pool noodles for future trips! Another sustainable alternative is Flexi-Hex.  
  5. Secure the pool noodles by wrapping duct tape around the width of your board. 
  6. Wrap your board in a surfboard cover. Then put it in a surfboard bag.
  7. Wrap your fin in soft clothing, and place it along with other soft clothing and swimsuits all around your board for extra padding. 
  8. Finally, zip up your board bag and you’re ready to go!

A few Travel and Sustainability Tips
  1. Try staying local. Look for alternatives to air travel, like taking the AmTrak train up the coast of California or using local bus systems along the coast in Portugal. There is always more to explore in your own backyard
  2. If you are flying, consider buying carbon offsets. Flying is an extremely carbon-intensive activity. Buying carbon offsets allows travelers to compensate for the amount of carbon dioxide they are putting into the environment with a reduction of the same amount through environmental action like reforestation projects, carbon sequestration, or renewable energy projects. Airlines like United and Delta offer this option, but you can also use projects like Cool Effect to offset your emissions directly.
  3. Avoid board bag fees. Airlines like Alaska Airlines do not charge you extra for a board bag!
  4. Stay in one spot. If you’re traveling far away take your time and really try to get to know one area. You do not need to check everything off your bucket list. Enjoy the moment and reduce your footprint!
  5. Wear reef-safe sunscreen! Reefs are the lungs of the Earth, and wearing reef-safe sunscreen is a simple way to keep the reef healthy. Here is more information on sunscreen and how to keep you and the ocean healthy.
  6. Shop local. Support the people who live in the places you are traveling to. They are the hearts and souls of surfing in that destination. Respect them! Here is our blog post on 5 Simple Ways You Can Be a Respectful Surf Tourist.
 how to pack your board bag {Rosie Jaffurs in the Mona, an essential part of any surf trip kit! Photo by Mike Ito}

Check out our Surf Trip Essentials collection to find everything you need for you spring break trip! 

Now your board is buckled and ready for take-off. Send us pictures from your spring break trip to @theseea on Instagram! 

]]> 2013-07-03T13:20:00-07:00 2023-12-20T10:52:57-08:00 DIY Surfboard Bags with Green Fuz Rhea
Why put your special hand-shaped surfboard in an ordinary bag for everyday protection? Green Fuz’s handmade surfboard bags put a smile on our faces every time we carry one under our arm.

From the dyed fabrics to selection of patterns, you can see the extra time that goes into each bag. Each one is cut, sewn and shipped just a stone's throw away from Seea headquarters in Ulvila by friends...



Why put your special hand-shaped surfboard in an ordinary bag for everyday protection? Green Fuz’s handmade surfboard bags put a smile on our faces every time we carry one under our arm.

From the dyed fabrics to selection of patterns, you can see the extra time that goes into each bag. Each one is cut, sewn and shipped just a stone's throw away from Seea headquarters in Ulvila by friends Sonny Nigro, Cassandra Jerrold-Jones and Scott Reynolds. We cruised on over to watch one of their special creations come to life from start to finish.

Color coordinate your quiver with Green Fuz surfboard bags. 

Green Fuz had a slow start, but didn’t give up. Its first ever bag was made out of terrycloth and after a 6 laborious hours, “it still didn’t come out good.” The idea was put on the backburner for a while until Sonny came across an industrial sewing machine. During Christmas break, they gave it another shot and made some cool bags for themselves, with Cassandra handling the sewing needle. The second time was a charm.

“We had some time off work and were still into the idea of making bags, so we drove around to all these different places and got some cool fabric and just went for it,” says Sonny. “We were just like, screw it…don’t over think it and let’s make some cool bags for ourselves. And they actually turned out really cool thanks to Cassie being able to sew really good.”

DIY projects love patches.


The rest fell into place. “We made like 5 bags and put them on Instagram. The post wasn’t really meant to sell anything—just show what we made and if anybody wanted to hit us up to make them a bag. But then literally, that night, a local shop hit us up to see how they could order some from us, and that was it. Green Fuz was on!” says Sonny.

Each friend plays a role in getting the final product completed. Sonny designs bag colorways and patterns, Cassandra sews the bags and Scott is in charge of the website, customer service and sales.

Green Fuz walked us through step-by-step all the care and hands-on work that goes into making their handmade surfboard bags. It re-inspired us that if you have a great idea to make something with your own style, to go for it!

Sonny and Scott dig through the stacks
Make ordinary fabric extraordinary by dying. 


Materials. "Everything is made to order, but we have stock fabrics and like 15 different designs to choose from," Sonny says. Green Fuz dyes some of its fabric for an extra touch of personalization.

Made to measure.


Design. “Anything can be modified by request, but the basic pricing and shapes are all up on our website,” Sonny says.

“We try and form some sort of relationship with the shops and people that order from us. They get stoked that we respond back so quickly, and it’s been fun to talk to people about their different boards, get the measurements, and make up something custom for them. Seems to be working since people keep re-ordering.”

Sewing with friends.
Pins keep the two pieces of fabric in place. 

Production. “Cassie sews everything, she’s pretty much production. I take care of the designing the bag color-ways and layouts," Sonny says.

"And Scott handles the website, customer service and sales. Production, design, and technical. It’s a perfect combination. If it was just Scott and I, we wouldn’t have any bags because Cassie’s got the sewing machines dialed. If it was just Scott and Cassie, then the colors and designs might not be as appealing, and if Green Fuz was just me and Cass, we’d have a bunch of bags, with no website, and no one to sell them to. It’s a definitely a group effort and we all do our part to make it happen.”

Vintage industrial sewing machine doesn't mess around.
To finish the seams so that they don't fray (that zig-zag stitch you see inside just about all of your clothes) requires another type of sewing machine. 


More Production. Cassie adds that they have it down to about one hour per bag from start to finish. “We still hand cut, sew, and dye different fabrics, which can be pretty time consuming. Every once in a while we’ll screw something up, sew a panel backwards or something, but we’re getting better with each bag and refining the production process with each batch. That’s just the nature of handmade goods – A lot of love goes into each bag, which people really appreciate.”

Custom patches. 

Where the name Green Fuz came from. “Well, if we would’ve known this was going to go anywhere, we probably would have thought about it a little more!” Sonny laughs. “Green Fuz is an old band and song from the 60’s. We’re all really into music and Scott and I grew up listening to The Cramps (who covered the song) so we just kinda went with it. Plus, I like the look of it with just the one “Z”. Great song too! Look it up.”


We did the Googling for you. Listen to it on YouTube.
Final touches on the bottom drawstring. 
Details make a difference. Close-up of the drawstring and toggle closure.


What's Next for Green Fuz. “We want to do travel bags and other accessories as well. We have some really cool ideas for leashes and traction pads that would be really fun to make.  In the end, we’re not really doing anything new. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel… We just wanna spin it! What is new is how we’re doing business with people and shops, our attitude, and the satisfaction that comes from doing cool stuff with and for cool people. It’s a whole different perspective on business that the shops are really open to right now, and it’s a great feeling to see our stuff in stores next to other companies that we really like. Basically it’s like this… 'Don’t over think things. Do business with your friends… and become friends with the people you do business with.'" 

We couldn't agree more.

All done. 
The Green Fuz team! 