Adventures in stoke: Jenayl Peters

With a wicked fade and cross step, the original version of this photo graces our first-ever print ad, as seen in Foam Symmetry. Photo: Nick LaVecchia  

Not all Seeababes were born from surfing families straight into the waves. Daughter of a Los Angeles City Fireman, Jenayl Peters grew up close to the ocean, but it took lessons from a family friend to ignite the surf stoke. Once the flame was lit,...
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With a wicked fade and cross step, the original version of this photo graces our first-ever print ad, as seen in Foam Symmetry. Photo: Nick LaVecchia  

Not all Seeababes were born from surfing families straight into the waves. Daughter of a Los Angeles City Fireman, Jenayl Peters grew up close to the ocean, but it took lessons from a family friend to ignite the surf stoke. Once the flame was lit, Jenayl's passion for surf & sand took over, ditching water polo practice for trips to the beach, even when the waves were bad. “We made it fun regardless, every time.”

Jenayl’s home breaks are now in San Diego, where she studies Recreation and Surf Tourism at San Diego State University. The program is designed to understand the impact of tourism on the culture and environment of destination surf meccas, in hopes of mitigating irreparable damage to both.

With strong family ties and her head on straight, Jenayl can handle anything you throw at her, by land or sea!

What is your normal surf routine at home?

I feel like I am always on the go. When I wake up I check the waves to see where I want to surf after work or school. Usually my boards are in the car and suits are packed for the day. I keep an apple or a granola bar on hand for energy or a snack before. Afterwards I love a good smoothie for a refresher. To get pumped I have to admit, I love country music or oldies! They always put me in a good mood. If Mele and I are going out, we tend to get funky and the music gets real! I will try and find the best spot for tide and swell so that I can get in a good session in my day. If the swells up though - class gets postponed!

Your blue Bronco surf-mobile is legendary! What’s the story behind it?

That's the car I learned to drive with! My dad's rad light blue 1977 Ford Bronco. He threatens to sell it because something always seems to be breaking, but then he sees my brother take it out for a joy ride or me tie my boards to the top and cruise to the beach, and we know we won't let it sell. So much fun and so classic!

You also ride motorbikes. How did you get into that?

Motorbiking was a hobby my family and I did every fall to early spring since I was young. Besides camping at the beach this is what we did. I ventured off the sport since I started surfing because it seemed like the weekends that they would go to the desert the waves would be good. Since then though, I have remained around them and the feeling you get when you cruise around is a rush. I am saving for a motorcycle with a side rack for my board to cruise to the breaks or around town. It’s gonna be conciliacionconstrupazCycle!!

Just having fun.
We love that Jenayl is always smiling.

Who did you grow up surfing with? 

In high school I surfed with a mix. Mostly I'd go with whoever wanted to surf, it didn't matter! After graduation I ended up surfing alone a lot as I didn't have many friends at my new college. It was mostly guys in the line up, which I met and became friends with a lot of them. I enjoyed surfing with the guys as I learned heaps from them and was able to push myself. When I started meeting more girls who surfed around there too we became friends so fast and it was fun to meet up and surf together. Through contests, traveling, and Seea, I have been able to gain some great friendships with other girls and it is almost like a detox being able to have girl time and laugh together while out in the water!

Dyer Brand boards are sweet! So is Jenayl in this upcoming color of the Riviera One Piece, due out in March. 

When you are not surfing, what are your other passions and activities you do for fun?

When the sea doesn't want to come out to play, I improvise! I love thrift store shopping. I love to find bargains and inspirations you can create from your fashion senses and creativity. I love hiking and baking as well. On a good day all three of those happen! Sailing is one of my passions. Though I don't frequent the boats as often as I'd like, it is my goal to acquire my sailing license and be able to be apart of that. Anything water, I'm good to go. Mermaid me please!

Sail away. Hats are important for sun protection!
Enjoying the view from the ocean.

What does surfing in Seea mean to you?

Seea to me represents the way every lady surfer should feel—in and out of the water. The suits are modest yet sexy, flirty, and functional. I like it because it is a lifestyle, an expression, an appreciation. It touches the culture of a vintage era when surfing was in its finest—when style, grace, and respect were vivid in the surfing culture. I love that when I surf, I can feel this way of a confident lady and respecting the true meaning of what surfing is.

A huge style of my surfing is inspired by the surfing and styles of the ‘50s and ‘60s. Seea touches those roots with such respect to these styles and wearing them is almost like an inspiration to me. When you can feel this way when you surf, it brings out the best for the session.


Jenayl hangs five with style.

What was it like being the only one in your family that surfs and what do they think of your surfing lifestyle? 

In a way, it has shaped me. I got the opportunity to follow my own path and passion from a young age, reach out to others and encourage myself as well. When I started skipping water polo practice and swim team practice in high school because the waves were good, there was no stopping me. Mom and Dad didn't like it, but then saw it was my motivation, my passion, and they soon were the ones driving with me there. I chose the colleges I attended because of the waves. I met more friends and established more relationships through surfing than anything else. I'm very blessed to have the supportive parents that I do. When times get rough, they remind me to get a prayer or a surf in, and re-gather myself. It works every time.

The world is better with Jenayl in it, and we're happy to have her in our lives. Keep on the lookout for more of her captivating smile and easy, laid-back style as she shreds her way through the Point Loma swells this Winter.

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